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Niccolò Morgan Gandolfi | Fuel my fire

Fuel my fire
Niccolò Morgan Gandolfi
Tuesday 12 October 2021, ore 5.30 pm - 8.00 pm

Fuel my fire by Niccolò Morgan Gandolfi is a lighter in bronzed brass, a copy of a common plastic object made with durable, noble material, managing to keep active the practical function of originating, generating a flame. Fuel my fire thus brings the conceptual abstraction operated with the series on display Flight Formation back onto a material level, adding a pawn in the magical game of perception.


Niccolò Morgan Gandolfi (Washington D.C., USA,1983) lives and works in Italy.


Fuel my Fire inaugurates LUOGO PAZZESCO, METRONOM's new hotspot.  

Please find the press kit at this link.

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