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FILTRO is the chosen theme for the 2022 chapter of DIGITAL VIDEO WALL by the curator Gemma Fantacci. FILTRO is a survey in the artistic field of the results of the research of five international artists on the tools offered by the digital instruments, invited to present their own variation of the theme and to animate the METRONOM video wall for one month each. The second video presented by FILTRO is Storm and Stress (2020) by Carson Lynn

Influences by the work of German painter Caspar David Friedrich and the proto-romantic movement Sturm und Drang, Carson Lynn takes advantage of a series to depart from the battlefield and the frequently homophobic and chauvinistic dynamics of the online community to freely explore the video game landscape. The artist uses digital content to propose a reinterpretation within a queer perspective of photographic conventions and heterocentric game system. 

With DIGITAL VIDEO WALL Metronom offers a place dedicated to display and present digital art languages, in order to explore the expressive possibilities and relate to the complexity of the context of new technologies. 

You can find the press release here


Storm and Stress| METRONOM
via Carteria 10 | 41121 Modena 
14th January - 14th February 2022 | h24 | 059239501 |

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