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METRONOM, on the occasion of FestvalFilosofia 2022, presents The Absence, a solo show by Attilio Solzi (Soresina, 1962).


The exhibition project presents a series of photographs taken over a year in which a common plastic chair is represented both as abandoned but also guarded by protagonists who always remain invisible. The Absence, with grace and delicacy, documents the waiting time and the passage of people involved in prostitution activities who are on the margins of society and the community and whose rights and protections are almost absent. 


Solzi offers a narrative based on mystery and intimacy: an object and a place become the common denominators for a portrait of a social realty that lives in the shadow and in resignation. The Absence is the documentation which, thanks to the artist's intimate and attentive gaze, manages to evoke its visitors and their silent request for a bettern condition. 


The press kit is available here


Attilio Solzi, The Absence (series), 2019-2020
© Attilio Solzi, courtesy Metronom 


The Absence 
Attilio Solzi 

16th September - 25th november 2022 
Metronom | via Carteria 10 | 41121 Modena | 059239501 |


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