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ARTIFACT PRIZE 2018 | Progetti vincitori

The Award ceremony of the first edition of ARTIFACT PRIZE  took place yesterday, thursday 19 April 2018 at Castello di Levizzano (Modena), concurrently to the opening of the collective show of the shortlisted projects, selected by the commitee of the Prize. 


The third prize was assigned ex-aequo to Valentina d'Accardi with the video installation Inconscio Idraulico(2018) and to Claudia Sinigaglia with the series of drawings Untitled(2017). The second prize was assigned to Daniele Marzorati, with the photographic installation As the Crow Flies (2017). The first prize was assigned to Massimiliano Gatti with the photographic installation Aleppo è una foglia di alloro(2018).


The show of the shortlisted projects of ARTIFACT PRIZE, will remain open inside Castello di Levizzano (Modena)until 29 april 2018. After the show, it will be realized a catalogue with critic text alongside the images of the works, to be presented in September 2018 in Modena during festivalfilosofia.


Artifact, at its first edition, is a project devoted to contemporary art, promoted by Metronom Cultural Association in collaboration with Francesco Pozzi & Sociand theMunicipality of Castelvetro di Modena, the Patronage of Rotary Club Castelvetro di Modena and the Municipality of Modena.


Cover image: © Massimiliano Gatti, Aleppo è una foglia di alloro, 2018
Stampa fine Art on cotton paper, 30 x 35 cm

Collective show by the shortlisted artists, Castello di Levizzano (Modena)
Free entrance / Opening hours: Saturday - Sunday, 10.30am - 6.30pm


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