Christto&Andrew, Elena Arzuffi, Michele Buda, Elena Aya Bundurakis, Valentina D'Accardi, Martina della Valle, Kamilia Kard, Daniele Marzorati, Andrea Pertoldeo, Marco Signorini.
Sunday, December 13th - Saturday, December 19th 2020
POSTERi is a project curated by METRONOM that rethinks the dynamics of use and sharing of the visual arts, with the...
Botto, Breuning, Bundurakis, Christto & Andrew, della Valle, Dorf, Kannisto, Marzorati, Pertoldeo, Signorini, Tilo & Toni
7 March - 10 July 2020
Nature in Play is a collective exhibition opening at Metronom which exhibits works by artists who reflect on possible ways of representing nature and landscape using...
Lend Me Your Face: Go FakeYourself! is the net art video by artist Tamiko Thiel in collaboration with "/p" presented at METRONOM on Friday, September 17th at 7.00 pm on the occasion of festivalfilosofia 2021.
To make your own private deepfakes, go to the 'Go Fake Yourself' net art page online. Here's the link
The video will be on screen h24,...