The collective exhibition Del resto i costumi cambieranno molto - After all, the customs will change a lot opens on Thursday, June 24th.
Del resto i costumi cambieranno molto - After all, the customs will change a lot is a line from the poem Les Etats Généraux, which Andrè Breton wrote in 1943, in a moment of profound...
December 2020 - January 2021
In the context of DIGITAL VIDEO WALL | EDEN, Metronom presents Vello D'oro(Golden Fleece) (2020), by artist Alice Palamenghi.
Vello d'oro is a fantastic narration of the landscape of The Internet. Palamenghi reconstructs a mythology of the Net and its symbols, telling...
Blurring Contour (2021) by Helen Anna Flanagan is the first video intervention in the programming of Digital Deviations, third edition of DIGITAL VIDEO WALL, an annual project promoted by METRONOM, structured in thematic chapters and aimed at promoting the dissemination and experimentation of digital art.
Digital Deviations, title of the 2021 chapter of...