The Wanderer Proximity

The Wanderer Proximty is the exhibition project proposed by Metronom for the fifth edition of the Slovenian Fotopub festival, which will be held in Novo Mesto from 30 July to 4 August.The exhibition, curated by Gabriele Tosi, presents some works by the artists Valentina D'Accardi, Daniele Marzorati and Claudia Sinigaglia, finalists of the ARTIFACT award promoted by Metronom,...
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From my point of view

On 24 February 2018 at 18.00 Metronom inaugurates its new headquarters with the collective show From My Point of View, which presents works by Olaf Breuning, Kenta Cobayashi, Mark Dorf and Thomas Kuijpers    From my point of view puts forward the research of four artists who in different ways reflect and explore the contemporary artist's...
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ARTIFACT PRIZE 2018 | Progetti vincitori

The Award ceremony of the first edition of ARTIFACT PRIZE  took place yesterday, thursday 19 April 2018 at Castello di Levizzano (Modena), concurrently to the opening of the collective show of the shortlisted projects, selected by the commitee of the Prize.    The third prize was assigned ex-aequo to Valentina...
ARTIFACT PRIZE 2018 | Progetti vincitori continue

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